Rick Simpson Oil 5000mg/50ml For sale – Buy Rick Simpson Oil 5000mg/50ml Online With Bitcoin
Rick Simpson is a Canadian medical marijuana activist best known for creating Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), which is similar to CBD oil but with significantly different composition. Rick Simpson Oil 5000mg/50ml.
Today, we’re explaining everything you need to know about Rick Simpson CBD oil, including whether or not Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is scientifically proven to reduce cancer in any way.
What Is Rick Simpson Oil..?
Rick Simpson Oil, also known as RSO, is a cannabis oil product popularized by Canadian medical marijuana activist Rick Simpson.
There are plenty of CBD oils on the market today. However, Rick Simpson Oil is not technically a CBD oil. RSO contains significantly higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than a typical CBD oil. THC is the active chemical compound – or cannabinoid – in marijuana that makes you high.
RSO is also purported to treat a number of other conditions, including :
- Multiple sclerosis
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Infections
- Inflammation
- High blood pressure
- Depressão
- Insomnia
Scientific Evidence for Rick Simpson Oil
All of the benefits above sound good – but are they backed by any real, scientific research? Let’s take a look at some of the formal studies on using CBD oil and Rick Simpson Oil to cure cancer and other conditions.
First, Rick Simpson decided to try cannabis oil after discovering a 1975 study involving mice with lung cancer. Researchers found that THC and another cannabinoid called cannabinol (CBN) reduced the growth of lung cancer in mice.
In the years since the publication of that study, a number of other studies have reported similar anti-cancer effects in both cell and animal models. Certain cannabinoids, including THC, CBN, and CBD, may be able to reduce the spread and growth of cancer cells.
One 2014 study, for example, examined the effects of THC and CBD extracts when used in conjunction with radiation therapy. Researchers found that the cannabis extracts increased the effectiveness of radiation against an aggressive type of brain cancer. The study’s authors concluded that THC and CBD may help prepare cancer cells to respond better to radiation therapy.
It’s not all good news, however. One study published in Cancer Research in 2004, for example, found that THC actually increased the growth rate of certain lung and brain cancer cells. Researchers were attempting to replicate the anti-cancer effects of earlier THC studies, but discovered the opposite instead.
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