Grand Daddy Purple Kush Wax 3.5gm For Sale | Buy Grand Daddy Purple Kush Wax Online
Grand Daddy Purple Kush Wax has a Grape and berry aroma, with potent cerebral effects. Grand Daddy Purple Kush Wax.
Lab Tested Result For Blue Dream Wax :
THC : 89%
CBD : 2%
Wax is an opaque, solid substance that is produced via a similar process as shatter. In appearance, wax looks buttery, and it does not have the same translucent appearance as shatter. Different wax consistencies are created using varying oil textures and different moisture and heat levels. Variations of wax include the following:
Budder : Egy ragacsos viaszforma, amely több nedvességet tartalmaz és folyékonyabb, mint más koncentrátumok. A kivonat felverésével, tisztítás közben történő felverésével jön létre. A felverés hatására levegő kerül a kivonatba, amely lehűléskor szilárddá válik.
A rügy a legsimább és legkrémesebb a viaszok közül.
Morzsa és mézesmorzsa : Puha, de törékeny textúrájú viasz.
Sugar crumble: Known for its crystallized surface and crumbly texture, sugar crumble is easy to handle because it is not very sticky.
Viaszmorzsa : Hasonló a cukormorzsához, de simább a felülete. A viaszmorzsa nem ragad, és krémesebb, mint a cukormorzsa.
Other Benefits Of CBD
A few of the other benefits of CBD oil are mentioned below so that you can do your own research about it.
- May defend against certain kinds of bacteria
- May include some anti-aging benefits
- May help aid in helping people to quit smokin
- May increase REM (deep sleep)
- Helps improve mental outlook or feeling of peace
- Keeps you alert but relaxed
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