Buy Jack Herer Wax 28gm Online Cheap | Jack Herer Wax For Sale
Buy Jack Herer wax Online. This provides a lovely pine/sweet smell that comes through in the taste as well. The pine/wood taste is much more apparent when the strain is smoked, however, in wax form the sweet side of the strain comes through and give a much tastier hit.
Lab Tested Result For Jack Herer Wax :
THC : 76.17%
CBD : 1.20%
Wax is an opaque, solid substance that is produced via a similar process as shatter. In appearance, wax looks buttery, and it does not have the same translucent appearance as shatter. Different wax consistencies are created using varying oil textures and different moisture and heat levels. Variations of wax include the following: Buy Jack Herer wax Online
Budder : Egy ragacsos viaszforma, amely több nedvességet tartalmaz és folyékonyabb, mint más koncentrátumok. A kivonat felverésével, tisztítás közben történő felverésével jön létre. A felverés hatására levegő kerül a kivonatba, amely lehűléskor szilárddá válik.
A rügy a legsimább és legkrémesebb a viaszok közül.
Crumble and honeycomb: Wax with a soft, yet brittle, texture.
Cukor morzsolódik : A kristályos felületéről és morzsalékos szerkezetéről ismert cukormorzsa könnyen kezelhető, mivel nem túl ragacsos.
Viaszmorzsa : Hasonló a cukormorzsához, de simább a felülete. A viaszmorzsa nem ragad, és krémesebb, mint a cukormorzsa.
Jack Herer is a sativa-dominant cannabis strain that has gained as much renown as its namesake, the marijuana activist and author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Combining a Haze hybrid with a Northern Lights #5 and Shiva Skunk cross, Sensi Seeds created Jack Herer hoping to capture both the cerebral elevation associated with sativas and the heavy resin production of indicas. Its rich genetic background gives rise to several different variations of Jack Herer, each phenotype bearing its own unique features and effects. However, consumers typically describe this 55% sativa hybrid as blissful, clear-headed, and creative.
Jack Herer was created in the Netherlands in the mid-1990s where it was later distributed by Dutch pharmacies as a recognized medical-grade strain. Since then, the spicy, pine-scented sativa has taken home numerous awards for its quality and potency.
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